Let us help you take your association to the next level. Contact us today.


Actionable and Accountable

By partnering with Affinity Strategies, you immediately add decades of team experience and expertise. From day one we’ll start implementing our five core practice areas to turn your vision into reality. Actions taken, measured, and reported.


Creating the Roadmap

Our strategic planning practice focuses your organization’s vision. Clearly defined, we craft both immediate and long-range strategies to reach your objectives.

Leaders Helping Leaders

Our leadership team works with yours to create an engaged and unified management structure. Working together, your members will benefit from your leaders’ open communication, visionary clarity, and operational excellence.


Activating Your Revenue Generator

Our revenue practice delivers. Our strategic approach starts with corporate partnerships to fund short-term association activities. At the same time, our “accelerator” initiatives help drive toward your association’s longer-range goals.


Leading Members to Mastery

A growth mindset never rests.
Our educational programming ensures that generational wisdom is grown and passed along. To do that, members, mentors, and masters share
and build sage, long-term community expertise.


Expanding And Nurturing Your Community

If an association isn’t thriving, it’s fading. That’s why we constantly nurture membership. New people and fresh ideas inspire everyone to lean in for growth.

Are you ready to bring your association’s mission to life?